Monday, December 28, 2020


Please Note: The following list of books is not organized according to any personal hierarchy of the relative value of each individual book. Rather it is a list that seriously considers ALL of the books listed here to be of equal intellectual and cultural value and interest, albeit for different reasons. The bottomline on this list is that each one of these books is extraordinary and invaluable in their own right and represents some of the very best writing published in the United States in 2020.

--Kofi Natambu, Editor


Brick City Vanguard:   

Amiri Baraka, Black Music, Black Modernity  

by James Smethurst  

University Of Massachusetts Press, 2020 

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A People's History of Detroit

by Mark Jay and Phillip Conklin

Duke University Press,  2020


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The Essential Clarence Major: Prose & Poetry

by Clarence Major

The University of North Carolina Press,  2020


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From Here To Equality:  

Reparations For Black Americans in 

the Twenty-First Century

by William A. Darity, Jr. & A. Kirsten Mullen

The University of North Carolina Press,  2020

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Odetta:  A Life in Music and Protest

by Ian Zack

Beacon Press, 2020


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Surviving Autocracy

by Masha Gessen

Riverhead Books,  2020

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Strongmen:  Mussolini To The Present

by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

W.W. Norton & Company,  2020


No photo description available. 

Race Man: Selected Works, 1960-2015

by Julian Bond

(Edited by Michael G. Long)

City Lights Books,  2020


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Ornette Coleman:  

The Territory and the Adventure

by Maria Golia

Reaktion Books,  2020 


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by Frank B. Wilderson III

Liveright, 2020

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Bland Fanatics:  Liberals, Race, and Empire

by Pankaj Mishra

Farrar,  Straus and Giroux


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This is What America Looks Like:  

My Journey From Refugee To


by Ilhan Omar 

Dey Street Books,  2020


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Caste:  The Origins Of Our Discontents

by Isabel Wilkerson

Random House,  2020 


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Begin Again:  

James Baldwin's America And Its Urgent Lessons For 

Our Own

by Eddie Glaude, Jr.

Crown Books,  2020


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 Set The Night On Fire:  L.A. In The Sixties

by Mike Davis & Jon Wiener

Verso,  2020


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We Are Not Here To Be Bystanders: 

A Memoir of Love and Resistance 

by Linda Sarsour

37 INK Books, 2020


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 Separated:  Inside An American Tragedy

by Jacob Soboroff

Custom House,  2020


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ReaganLand:  America's Right Turn:  1976-1980

by Rick Pearlstein

Simon and Schuster,  2020


Full Dissidence:  

Notes From An Uneven Playing Field

by Howard Bryant

Beacon Press,  2020


African American Poetry:  

250 Years of Struggle and Song

Edited by Kevin Young 

The Library of America,  2020



The Fascism This Time and the Global Future of 


by Theo Horesh

Cosmopolis Press,  2020


Hiding in Plain Sight:  

The Invention of Donald Trump and the Erosion 

of America

by Sarah Kendzior

Flatiron Books,  2020


 The Purpose of Power:  

How We Come Together When We Fall Apart

by Alicia Garza

One World,  2020



Stephen Miller, Donald Trump, and the 

White Nationalist Agenda

by Jean Guerrero

William Morrow,  2020


Black Power Afterlives:  

The Enduring Significance of the 

Black Panther Party

Edited by Diane C. Fujino and Matef Harmachis

Haymarket Books,  2020


American Oligarchs:  

The Kushners, the Trumps, and the Marriage of 

Money and Power

by Andrea Bernstein

W.W. Norton and Company,  2020


The Last Negroes At Harvard:  

The Class of 1963 and the 18 Young Men Who 

Changed Harvard Forever

by Kent Garrett and Jeanne Ellsworth

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt,  2020

Donald Trump v. The United States:  

Inside the Struggle To Stop A President

by Michael S. Schmidt

Random House,  2020

Dorothy Day: 

Dissenting Voice of the 20th Century 

by John Loughery and Blythe Randolph

Simone and Schuster,  2020


Those Who Know Don't Say:  

The Nation of Islam, the Black Freedom 

Movement, and the Carceral State

by  Garrett Felber

The University of North Carolina Press,  2020