Wednesday, May 22, 2024



The major and most important issue facing the United States in 2024 and beyond is whether FASCISM will flourish and ultimately prevail in every single political, economic, social, cultural and judicial Institution in the country no matter who is (cough) "elected" in November.  It is crystal clear to me and millions of others not only here but throughout the world that we are all at this point seriously "on the brink and about to sink." For more deadly evidence of this fundamental fact please read and share the very stark information from both May 16 and May 22 provided below...Stay tuned and especially STAY WOKE because it is destined to get far worse very soon...


Thursday, May 16, 2024

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, An Upside Down American Flag and January 6, 2021: How the US Supreme Court Became an Arm of the Republican Party

by Kofi Natambu

AMERICA wants another
Pep talk
It’s never satisfied
Banality rules
its days & nights

Another mass rally

Never satisfied
Mass media not enuff
Mass boredom not enuff
Mass murder not enuff
nothing can quench its
rampaging thirst
for lies

AMERICA wants a panacea
wants a placebo
wants a panderer
wants a papier-mache god
it can pray to
wants a Victim it can identify with
scream at
cry over
stomp on

(besides itself)
You see: it’s never satiated
Infantilism rules
Its afternoons & evenings

Another mass tally

Never satiated
Stupidity not enuff
Cynicism not enuff
Suicide not enuff
nothing can impede
its spiralling flight
toward emptiness

AMERICA wants another alibi
wants another excuse
wants still another thrill
wants another ‘reason’
to eat up the world
wants a Fear it can live with
fawn over
suck on
talk about

[Poem from the book THE MELODY NEVER STOPS by Kofi Natambu. Post Aesthetic Press, 1991]

At Justice Alito’s House, a ‘Stop the Steal’ Symbol on Display

An upside-down flag, adopted by Trump supporters contesting the Biden victory, flew over the justice’s front lawn as the Supreme Court was considering an election case.

A photo obtained by The Times shows an inverted flag at the Alito residence on Jan. 17, 2021, three days before the Biden inauguration.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Another Provocative Flag Was Flown at Another Alito Home

The justice’s beach house displayed an “Appeal to Heaven” flag, a symbol carried on Jan. 6 and associated with a push for a more Christian-minded government.

The “Appeal to Heaven” flag flew outside the Alitos’ New Jersey vacation home last summer, along with a “2022” Phillies flag and a Long Beach Island flag.

by Jodi Kantor, Aric Toler and Julie Tate
May 22, 2024
New York Times

Last summer, two years after an upside-down American flag was flown outside the Virginia home of Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., another provocative symbol was displayed at his vacation house in New Jersey, according to interviews and photographs.

This time, it was the “Appeal to Heaven” flag, which, like the inverted U.S. flag, was carried by rioters at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Also known as the Pine Tree flag, it dates back to the Revolutionary War, but largely fell into obscurity until recent years and is now a symbol of support for former President Donald J. Trump, for a religious strand of the “Stop the Steal” campaign and for a push to remake American government in Christian terms.

Three photographs obtained by The New York Times, along with accounts from a half-dozen neighbors and passers-by, show that the Appeal to Heaven flag was aloft at the Alito home on Long Beach Island in July and September of 2023. A Google street view image from late August also shows the flag.

The photographs, each taken independently, are from four different dates. It is not clear whether the flag was displayed continuously during those months or how long it was flown overall.

An “Appeal to Heaven” flag and other flags flying outside a beach house owned by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr.
A Google street view photo taken in August 2023 shows the flag flying at the Alitos’ house.

Justice Alito declined to respond to questions about the beach house flag, including what it was intended to convey and how it comported with his obligations as a justice. The court also declined to respond.

In commenting for the Times report last week about the upside-down American flag at his Virginia home in 2021, Justice Alito said that it had been raised by his wife, Martha-Ann Alito, during a clash with a neighbor.

The revelation about that flag prompted concerns from legal scholars and ethicists, and calls from dozens of Democratic lawmakers that the justice recuse himself from cases related to Jan. 6. The news also drew criticism from some conservative politicians, including Senator Lindsey Graham, who said that displaying the inverted flag was “not good judgment.”

During the period the Appeal to Heaven flag was seen flying at the justice’s New Jersey house, a key Jan. 6 case arrived at the Supreme Court, challenging whether those who stormed the Capitol could be prosecuted for obstruction.In coming weeks, the justices will rule on that case, which could scuttle some of the charges against Mr. Trump, as well as on whether he is immune from prosecution for actions he took while president. Their decisions will shape how accountable he can be held for trying to overturn the last presidential election and his chances at regaining the White House in the next one.

Rioters outside the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, waving several flags including American flags, MAGA and Trump flags, and the “Appeal to Heaven” flag.
The flag was a presence at the Jan. 6 attack on the capitol.Credit: JT/STAR MAX/IPx, via Associated Press

The disclosure about the new flag is troubling, several ethics experts said in interviews, because it ties Justice Alito more closely to symbols associated with the attempted election subversion on Jan. 6, and because it was displayed as the obstruction case was first coming for consideration by the court.

Judges are not supposed to give any impression of bias, yet the flag could be seen as telegraphing the Alitos’ views — and at a time when the justices were on the cusp of adopting a new ethics code. “We all have our biases, but the good judge fights against them,” said Charles Geyh, a law professor at Indiana University Bloomington. “When a judge celebrates his predispositions by hoisting them on a flag,” he added, “that’s deeply disturbing.”

Records show that the Alitos have owned the beach house since 2014, and he is a well-known presence in the waterfront community. Residents said they recalled seeing the justice last summer, though it is unclear how much time he spent there. Neighbors said that once they realized what the flag signified, they were surprised to see it displayed, particularly in a prominent spot where many boaters glide by. The six people who shared their accounts and photographs asked not to be identified because they didn’t want to antagonize a longtime neighbor. When The Times visited the house on Wednesday, the flagpole was bare.

Until about a decade ago, the Appeal to Heaven flag was mostly a historical relic. But since then it has been revived to represent “a theological vision of what the United States should be and how it should be governed,” said Matthew Taylor, a religion scholar at the Institute of Islamic, Christian and Jewish Studies. He is also the author of a forthcoming book tracing how a right-wing Christian author and speaker who repopularized the flag helped propel Mr. Trump’s attempt to overturn the election.

That figure, Dutch Sheets, has led a yearslong campaign to present the flag to political figures, including Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor and vice-presidential pick, and an Indiana gubernatorial candidate whom Mr. Sheets wrapped in the flag at a recent rally. Republican members of Congress and state officials have displayed the flag as well, among them Doug Mastriano, a Pennsylvania state senator and a leader of the “Stop the Steal” campaign. The highest-ranking elected official known to show the flag is Representative Mike Johnson, who hung it at his office last fall shortly after becoming speaker of the House.

A spokesman for Mr. Johnson said that the speaker “has long appreciated the rich history of the flag, as it was first used by General George Washington during the Revolutionary War.” It was a gift, the spokesman said, from Pastor Dan Cummins, a guest chaplain for the House of Representatives.

The doorway to the office of Mike Johnson, the speaker of the House, with three flags displayed outside: the American flag, the Louisiana flag and an “Appeal to Heaven” flag.
“An Appeal to Heaven” is one of three flags outside the office of the House speaker, Mike Johnson. Credit:  Kenny Holston/The New York Times

Since its creation during the American Revolution, the flag has carried a message of defiance: The phrase “appeal to heaven” comes from the 17th-century philosopher John Locke, who wrote of a responsibility to rebel, even use violence, to overthrow unjust rule. “It’s a paraphrase for trial by arms,” Anthony Grafton, a historian at Princeton University, said in an interview. “The main point is that there’s no appeal, there’s no one else you can ask for help or a judgment.”

 See more on: Samuel A. Alito Jr., U.S. Supreme Court